Named after Captain Daniel Ross, the Ross Island is now renamed as the "Netaji Shubash Chandra Bose Dweep" by prime minister Narendra Modi in 2018. It is a very small destination that comes under the south Andaman district, Port Blair and is barely 5 Kms from the Water Sports Complex, making it one of easiest inter-island to visit during your trip to Andamans.
Although most of the attractions in Andaman are famous for beaches and , Ross Island brings a bit of history to the table that makes your vacation complete.
This Island was first occupied in 1782 and a sanatorium was build there, and then again in 1857 by the British who used it as a Administrative Headquarters for 85 years. During this time, a lot of important government offices were made by the British on this penal settlement, which were later abandoned after an earthquake in 1941.
The ruins of these old buildings made by Indian prisoners are still present at Ross, textured by thick roots of peepal and serie trees that takes us back to an era, long gone yet still remembered.
Magnificent man-caves, the old church and grim history associated with this place gives out a unique vibe that can’t be found anywhere else in Andaman and Nicobar.
The whole experience is even more mesmerizing with it's protected forest which is a sanctuary of a variety of birds and animals including peacocks and deer, that present an amazing experience for people who love to walk around and enjoy their time in the lap of nature under the shade of tall tropical trees.
The most unique thing about the island is that civilians settlements of any kind is prohibited by the administration which means there is no place to stay at night here and therefore everyone must leave the island before dawn.
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