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Getting Around in Port Blair in Port Blair

Getting Around in Port Blair

  • Rental Cabs:
    Rental cabs are available from all major destinations in Port Blair, especially near the airport and jetty. These are the most convenient way to travel on the island, without worrying about anything else. Although most cabs have fixed prices, it is better to book everything in advance or fix the prices before your journey.
  • Bike Rentals:
    Bike rentals are available in Port Blair and is considered by independent travelers as the best way to explore the island. The rent is done by the day and usually costs no more than INR‌ 500 for the day. Make sure to keep a map of Port Blair before starting your journey.
  • Auto Rickshaws:
    Auto Rickshaws are available throughout the day in most parts of Port Blair. The prices vary highly, so make to fix everything before starting your journey.
  • Bus:
    Both Govt. and private buses operate throughout Port Blair to different destinations. Most of the tourist attractions are connected via bus and therefore it can be used as a mode of transportation if you are following your travel on a strict budget.
